Online Renewal helping you protect what`s yours

Our online system will save you time and money when dealing with your trademark renewal. In two easy steps, you provide the trademark information, your contact information and credit card details. Leave the rest to us! Renewing a trademark registration does not require the filing of any documents or statement proving use of the mark.
Country Trade marks
  • Australia 766799
  • Benelux 330894
  • Denmark 89509
  • European Union 981305
  • Finland 68657
Country Trade marks
  • Hong Kong 463827
  • Indonesia 537432
  • Mexico 1018417
  • New Zealand 289295
  • Norway 445680
Country Trade marks
  • Singapore 398925
  • Sweden 108938
  • Switzerland 403294
  • United Kingdom 1129674

How it Works?

1. Provide trademark info

Provide the trademark and registration number for the mark you wish to renew. You can renew multiple trademarks if you wish!

2. Provide personal contact & billing info

We require your company / firm name and contact information for billing purposes. Enter the required credit card information and checkout!

3. Trademark renewed!

You will receive the Certificate of Renewal issued by email of your renewal request.

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